Steam Name ^0P^1r^3i^0m^1a^3l ^0W^1o^3l^0f

Add me on Steam if you enjoy the blog or want to play Modern Warfare 2 with me.

Steam Name: ^0P^1r^3i^0m^1a^3l ^0W^1o^3l^0f

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

May 17, 2011: Day 3

I only got to play 2 matches today because of other activities today so there really isn't much to update. I didn't have a negative score in either so my Kill-Death ratio is up a bit. There isn't much else to say because of so little time to play. On a side note, I heard that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is going to come out November 8, 2011. I'd also like to thank Yaks (Steam name: Consort) for his much appreciated input to my blog. Thanks buddy!

 Stats Beginning of Day 3                                              Stats End of Day 3

P90- Sub-machine gun
Companion Crate- Title
Blood Brothers- Title

My Current Class

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